eworcr Member


  • I guess I like to keep it simple. I will do a small set (or two) to with lower weight to get everything moving and blood flowing. It usually just depends how I feel. Then I just do my number of sets/reps. When I can do all the required sets/reps, then I move up to the next weight (typically 5 lb. increments). For example,…
  • I'm at 49.4 for the month. Been doing more weight training than cardio for the past two weeks.
  • My Nike app shows 35.7 miles for the month, but that also includes bicycle time at the gym. This has challenged me to move, in some way, 100 miles during this month. I may have moved 100 yards per day before this, so this has been good for me.
    in June 10th Comment by eworcr June 2014
  • It's easier for me to walk or jog than bike. I can cover more ground in less time, but it kills my legs and rear. Of course I'm not taking a leisurely stroll either; keeping my heart rate at 80%.
    in What Counts? Comment by eworcr June 2014
  • I just started working out this morning at the gym, so I used the treadmill for a little cardio after my workout. I'm hoping to use tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday morning for cardio (that is if I can continue to be there at 4:30am). I've got to catch up to all of y'all; you're making me look bad...haha
    in Day 3 Comment by eworcr June 2014
  • I would like to join the challenge too. My name on Nike is eworcr, just like here.