

  • I find the little individual packs of apples slices to work quite well and they are refreshing. The calories range from 30 to 80 per pack. I keep them in my purse all the time.
  • Thanks for the info. I am 5'5" and at 156. I do zumba 4 days a week and I am on a crew team and normally paddle for an hour on the weekends. I think you are right about not eating enough and broken metabolism. After logging my stuff in the diary yesterday I was at a deficit. I have been doing that to myself for a long…
  • I have pretty much tried every anti-depressant there is. Some made me worse, some made me better for a short period of time, and the most recent one caused me to gain 20lbs in a couple of months. It is a very difficult situation. Finding a good counselor is a great help. Mine helped me navigate through all the different…
  • I totally agree with teachmath33 about the food diary. I had no idea I wasn't eating enough. Who would have believed that. I have also been trying to lose at minimum of 10lbs and had been busting my butt working out with no results. I am trying to eat more protein and see how it goes. Good Luck!
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