rachieb1013 Member


  • Welcome to the best diet community out there!!! Good to have ya:tongue: You'll do great :flowerforyou: :heart: Rachel
  • I will check in on Mondays, because that's when I weigh in... Started on 4/28/08 @ 286 5/5/08: 281 5/12/08: 278 5/19/08:275 Wishing you all well as always!!!!!!!!! :heart: Rachel
  • That's awesome!!! Congratulations!!!!! :flowerforyou:
    in Woohoo! Comment by rachieb1013 May 2008
  • That's great! Good for you!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • That's great! Good for you!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • OK... I weigh in on Mondays, so I'll report then... Beginning weight: 286 Current Weight: 275 July 4th goal: 260 Eventual goal: 185 :heart:
  • Well guys this is my third weigh in after my initial one and I have lost another 3 lbs!!!! I am up to 11 lbs in 3 weeks! I am 15 lbs away from my goal for July 4th!!! I'm really really pumped! :happy: :happy: How is everyone else doing?!?!?!:wink:
  • I'm in for a challenge. I've lost 8 and have 93 to go! Let's figure something out!!!!
  • I have 7.... ...a fairly decent sized celtic knot on my upper back, in the center. ... the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland on my right ankle. ....3 stars with stardust behind them on my left foot. ....a sun on my left shoulder with my zodiac sign in the middle (my sister has the same one on the opposite shoulder with…
  • Thanks everyone! I'm feeling much better now....4 hours after I posted. I had some strawberries when I got home instead and my roommate and I cut a huge fruit salad, which was time consuming and always hilarious with her and I. We made dinner (homemade chicken tacos on whole wheat tortillas--YUM!) and now I'm gonna do some…
  • So I've been on here for 2 weeks and I've been doing EXCELLENT with my weight loss....8 lbs in 2 weeks isn't half bad! Thanks to this site I've been extremely motivated and it is what helps me do so well on my "lifestyle" change. Today, though, is the first day I've felt like I'm on a diet. I'm having a hard time drinking…
  • oooohhh I love Disney World! I was there this past september. How was the weather???
  • I may have joined a little late.....but I want in on this too!!!! I started on 4/28 weighing in at 286 5/5/08: 281 5/12/08: 278 Smaller numbers to come!!!! Good luck everyone :)
  • I've always tried not to think too far in the future, but lately it's looking that far ahead that's keeping me motivated! Of course, without this website and this community, I'd just be a lost dieter once again!
  • This Monday was my 2nd weigh in.... My initial was a yucky number.....286 My 1st weigh in I lost 5 lbs!!!!! My 2nd weigh in, today.....I lost an additional 3!!!! 8 down! I'm very excited and very motivated to have another good week!!!!!!!!!
  • Congratulations!!!!! Keep positive!:wink:
  • I'm in too!!!!! Beginning weight: 286 Current weight : 281 July 4th goal: 260 Eventual goal: 185 (hoping to get there by Sept 1, 2009 at the very latest!) Ladies and gents, start your engines!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I've been on MFP for under 2 weeks and I am totally addicted!!! Luckily no one has really caught me at work yet! But the day is bound to come! I'm logged on all day!!!!!!
  • myspace.com/rae4redsox
    in MYSPACE Comment by rachieb1013 May 2008
  • 5. Having to shop in plus size stores 4. Hating the way pictures turn out even when I think I look great 3. Having to bypass my favorite rollercaoster because I'm too big for it :( 2. Having to worry about how small the seats will be at a sporting event or concert 1. Being the biggest girl when going out with my…
  • wow congratulations BK!!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work!
  • wow congratulations BK!!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work!
  • Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:tongue:
    in Hello Comment by rachieb1013 May 2008
  • Congratulations!!!!!! I have 51 more lbs before I get to 230 but I am eagerly waiting and working hard for it!! Keep up the good work girl!!!!
  • I am blown away.....and not in the good sense. She is completely out of line for anyone, especially for a medical professional. I would bring it to the head nurse's/doctor's attention. BUT ......I am impressed by your achievements and only hope I can do the same!!!!!
  • So you are looking to lose 101 lbs too? I'm 5 lbs down but I just started last Monday. 22 lbs in 6 weeks is awesome! I hope I can do that too! I'm sure right now your body is continuing to adjust...everything will work itself out!
  • I LOVE THAT!!!!!
  • welcome! I'm pretty new here myself but so far I have been doing great! (a week and a half going strong) I wish you the best of luck on your weight loss journey!!!
  • Hello all...I just wanted to say hello. I've been on this site for a little under a week and so far I love it for tracking my foods and progress. How does everyone else fare with this?