lvchi1055 Member


  • I love working out in the morning. Usually wake up at 5 for work at 8:30. One thing that really helps me, and it's not for everyone, is sleeping in my workout clothes. There are literally no excuses then. You just get up and go.
  • Hey, I just graduated law school in May so I know where you're coming from. I always exercise early in the morning to get it out of the way. Things always come up later in the day so it's harder to squeeze it in. For quick work outs, Jillian Michaels 30 day shred is a great 30 minute workout for cardio and strength. Food -…
  • I run really early in the morning and I just bought these reflective bracelets.You can use them on your arms or legs and they're little so they don't really get in the way.
  • This morning I did a headstand in yoga for the first time ever! It was against the wall, but it feels great to start to overcome my fear of breaking my neck. :)