MGleason2010 Member


  • If you are going to avoid aspartame - Mio has that in it as well I believe (which is why it's only 0 calories)....I will count water with flavor in it, but I also don't buy the 0 calorie ones (because of the aspartame). I know Weight waters a long time ago, counted only 1/2 the serving of water with flavor - not sure how…
  • I only wear mine while working out and don't know tons about them myself old friend of mine wore a fancy one on her arm 24/7 and it would sync with her computer and track all of her calories burned thoughout the day and then she would just enter in her food and it would give her calories in and calories burned…
  • carido, you have an HRM that counts calories? If so, then it doesn't really matter what you call it as long as your time and cals are reflected as your HRM shows. If not, then I would just call it aerobics.
  • Hey! I'll send you an invite :) Welcome Back Glad to have you here!
  • Use an HRM for sure! Then you know exactly how much your burn for cardio or weights.
  • a girl at work ran an Iron man and got sick for a few days about a week or so after her run/ride/swim and I guess a dr. said it was due in part to all the lactic acid in her system (I have no idea....just what I heard). I think you would need to fuel also.
  • Go as Wilma and Fred Flinestone
  • I don't hate them, but find it annoying when women with implants talk about them constantly and flaunt them around. I've had boobs for years and like mine and don't need to talk about them, and i'm glad you like yours, but I don't want to talk/hear about them constantly. (I have an old college roomate that does…
  • ahhh I have 2 tweenie doxies too! 5 yr old Mya - nicknames: My, boo boo, Kujo and Fatty (she's a little chunk chunk herself and is SUPER lazy) 2 yr old Riley - nicknames: Miley, Gizmo, slinky, and Springs (she jumps all the time, couldn't keep that doxie down so I gave up)
  • Yes - I've thought that too :)
  • I watched it! I thought the guy was a total jerk too!!!! She needs to dumb him, get the surgery for HERSELF and then find a new man, after she has dealt with all of her own insecurities. I also thought the first guest who called her husband a Fat*** was horrible also! I think that's abusive and hurtful, even though he…
  • Ditto all of the above posts! Each day is new and you should (in my opinion) try to eat up your calories and not go over. But like others, there will be days you go over and some you might be way under. I just don't try to "beat the system" by figuring out when I can eat more because I ate less yesterday. I tried WW and…
  • a gift card that was already partially used and then they denied it and said it must have been the store's mistake. But what store puts like 23 and change on a card when it was supposed to be a $50 card. Needless to say, they aren't close family members lol.
  • I competely understand! But quite possibly you will eventuallly inspire him to do the same as well. My husband isn't completely on board, but he is starting to encourage me (us) to stay in more often rather than going out. He's wanting to make small changes in his own life and become more healthy too. Even though he isn't…
  • My husband sucessfully quit actual cigarettes with an electronic one. The website he buys everything from is totallywicked -Eliquid My brother is also using one to quit cigarettes but he just bought his from a local store that sold them. I don't know tons of information…
  • I look a few months pregnant when i'm bloated and I normally have a pretty flat stomach. Fingers swell, and feel uncomfortable sitting, standing whatever. I agree, just sounds like gas is what you had. Unless you had some other symptoms listed above and by other people. Hope that helps! P.s. if you've never had bloating,…
  • Great Ideas! I do find that I leave a lot of measuring cups on the counter now, and recently got a food scale. I liked the salad dressing idea and collapsible cups! Thanks for sharing :happy:
  • Great Ideas! I do find that I leave a lot of measuring cups on the counter now, and recently got a food scale. I liked the salad dressing idea and collapsible cups! Thanks for sharing :happy:
  • AGREED! I was on Birth Control for 8 years and now that i'm off (not because of trying to loose weight) I haven't lost weight any easier than if I was on the pills before. They didn't make me gain weight at all. That was all me and what I put in my mouth and living a sedentary lifestyle. I was on Ortho Tri-cyclen Lo, Ortho…
  • before MFP, my scale was always broken! And yes, I even would re-calibrate it, just to make sure! Sometimes I still get mad at it, but you are so right - there are other NSV that are so important and really do make a difference in how we feel and look
  • YAY!!! Love the book and the show! Can't wait for the next season as well! I've been following the HBO website to get little sneak peeks here and there.
  • I have a polar F6 bought at a local sporting good store for only $100. I'm sure you could find it on ebay for less. I have also heard the Polar FT4 is great too. I LOVE having an HRM and I don't even use the treadmill calories or HR anymore.
  • 2ND!!! I think it looks more flattering and I thought the first one looked a little plain (no offense, because it's still beautiful!) But the 2nd one has more of an elegant and dramatic look to it :)
  • Sounds like my MIL! Like previous posts, I would either ask for some else, like coffee, tea ect, because she really may just be trying to be a good hostess. Or Just simply say "No, Thank you". I find that when I explain i'm trying to diet or loose weight, she goes into this huge thing about how I look great, or I don't…
  • LOL I can't believe MFP Bleeped out what I wrote!! I got my HRM at that sporting goods store that has a dirty name. Rymes with Rick's
  • Mine counts calories (which is why I orignially bought it) I feel good knowing it's accurate and I challenge myself on every workout to get where I want in terms of calories burned for for the day! I have a Polar F6 HRM. I got it for $110 at ****s. It had a 10 dollar rebate so it was actually only $100.
  • Sugar DazzleThighs.... LMAO
  • I always workout during my TOM. It helps relieve the cramps. I usually do my treadmill and just start out slow, but half way through i'm feeling like normal. And I feel ten times better when i'm done. My always went out and washed her car during her TOM. She used to just tell me "Get moving, or those cramps will get worse!"
  • My mom used to have a old needle scale that used to read -1. But when I put a 5lb weight on it, it read 5lb. I LOVED that scale, mostly because it was so consistent. Point is, I agree withe previous post - As long as it is consistent, it doesn't really matter. Loosing is Loosing. So what if it is off by 1lb or so. I'd…
  • I use egg beaters I think and the label tells you how much to measure out (i.e. 1/4 cup for 3 egg whites). Don't quote me on the amounts, but I know the label will tell you. Hope that helps :)