andobbins Member


  • If they have stairs, run up and down the stairs. I did this when I was trapped in a hotel with no cardio options. It's perfect because people who stay in hotels don't usually take the stairs, so it was like having the gym to myself!
  • I did a ton of research online before buying a bottle to try out. I found just as many users who said it did work as people that said it didn't work. Apparently you need one with at least 60% HCA (this is what halts fat production) and no other additives. I'm on week 2 of taking 2 pills a day, but I've also been working…
  • I drink a chocolate slimfast protein shake for breakfast every day just because it's easy and yummy. But I wouldn't recommend doing the full slimfast diet. I don't think you get all the nutrients your body needs. Plus you'll feel like you're on a diet. It's always better to make a life style change of eating fresh, healthy…