matuskap Member


  • bump - gimmi more women secrets! MOAAAAR :D
  • Well if you have iron will and really want to keep it 100% until the goal is reached (which is really necessary only for prof. bodybuilders and fitness models) then: - burn it off - starve and suffer - fill yourself with hunger suppressant like 0 cal. soda - eat something with low calorie density and spread the overeaten…
  • This thread is hilariously funny - tagging for updates :D
  • I also dont feel hungry afterwards but, if i wait too long before eating(for example waiting for actual hunger), i get really hungry really quickly and then i can eat 1+k cals worth of cereal, oats, milk and whey protein mix and still feel hungry. And 1k of that mix is a lot of volume. Expecially if you let the oats soak…
  • The only reason people might get frustrated by you is when you do something stupid, like curls in the only squat rack in the gym or sit on a bench for 20 minutes playing with phone when theres people who actually want to work out on that station. But you really have to take it to the extreme to piss people like that, and…
  • I thin the only real problems come when you drink large amount consistently like 2+ liters a day. Anyway, the only real problems that actually are seem to be valid are: tooth enamel damage and decrease in benefical bacetria numbers in you digestion tract which may cause intolerance toward dairy and so on...
  • re: "How to build muscle": Its pretty straight forward, you have two groups, both mentioned below. For the real men: Eat clean, train hard, and never give up. In case you are a pu**y, just "enhance" the sentence a little bit: Eat clen, tren hard, anavar give up.
  • Actually, i have my calories set so that they already contain 5x a week training. So i only eat back if i do more than one training a day. And even so, i dont eat back all of it, because apps dont count calories burned on top of regular basal cals. You would burn calories either way even without training, just not as many.…
  • Im sure i didnt! Nuff said! :D
  • hair for a 50 yo guy! Lucky genetics :D
  • For a beginners, usualy full body workout is recommended and i pretty much second that based on my experience with others. And the second point about burning fat from a specific part of body, not much you can do about that. Bodys preference of bodyfat storage place is for the most part genetic. Exercising a bodypart does…
  • Everyone says yes, i say partially. For out of shape/overweight/older/injured/recovering from injury person it might be. For a person who does running 4+ times a week with average of 12km/h not so much. I say this because i tried out a HRM for a while and when i recorded a walk there was just no change. An hour of walking…
  • If I was in your position i would do something like this: - calculate maintenance calories without exercise using some web cal. calculator - give it a go for one week and see if weight stays same - if needed, id increase/decrease to hit maintenance - now with maintenance everyday life calories, you have basis, if you…
  • Long enough to know that forum user base does not really reflect the real userbase and not even remotely the real world situation. But i see what you did there. Almost like calling me a boy in real life conversation. Nothing proves a point more efficiently like that :). Even tho there was no actual assault comments…
  • Based on forum you may assume that, but its not relevant because most of hardcore people dont go to forum here. Rather they use specialized forums for bodybuilding, fitness, crossfit and use mfp only to caorie counting. And yes, many people want to be healthy too. But i dont really think (now dont get offended, its my…
  • All these four are your misunderstading of the text not my opinion. I didnt say any of those, in fact they are exectly opposite of what i wrote. :D Dont twist my words its not polite : )
  • My advice wasnt about your reason to count calories. Thats what you made it for some unknown reason (egocentric much? :D). It was about counting not being essential to look good which is sooooo true its not even discussable :D.
  • Thats why i put "mostly" in there :). Tho i dont really understand why anyone would waste time like that unless its a means to some serious goal that cant really be achieved without it. Well i guess everyone has his own hobbies.
  • You dont have to count in order to look good. All you need is to start eating less processed foods, more vegetables (by more i dont mean eating one bell pepper a day but 1kg+ of veggies like broccoli/cauliflower, lentils etc... combined). Combine with even very leisure tempo of fitness and you will keep waaaaaaaaaay above…
  • IMO this kind of place should be everywhere to take away the weak-willed people who "kind-of" work out from the "old-fashioned" gyms. Not trying to bash anyone but theres plenty of people who just come in, sit on a piece of equipment for 20 minutes working with smallest possible weight attached thinking about what are they…
  • Tuna(~140g) + some kind of beans(~200g) + mustard(~60g). You can throw in a chopped onion if you feel fancy :). Calorie-wise a little more than you requested but you can portion it. Or homemade protein bars that i described 100x on this fourm: 160g oats 120+g of protein powder 80g of peanut butter +water depending on how…
  • 700 grams :D i have ~800grams of food for dinner today and some 200ml of water thats a kilogram right there. In a matter of 10 minutes. And thats just dinner. Honestly, you can loose 400 grams just by p*ssing in the morning. If i eat 100grams of carbs today, ill weight 2kg more tommorow because ill be bloated. If i go for…
  • Well certainly stay out of gym. Dont spread your sickness, thats for sure. Well and about home-workout, depends what is sick acording to you. Having a serious fever or just kind of an itch back in a throat a little. I excersise unless my temp is really high or i have severe headache which only happens when i get high temp…
  • LOVE the freckles! : ) Makes me melt :D
  • Time and calirie amounts are also my label names so here it is for you: 00 ~ 11 || Breakfast < 500 11 ~ 13 || Early snacks < 300 13 ~ 17 || Lunch < 800 16 ~ 20 || Late snacks < 700 << cardio and weightlifting goes here 20 ~ 00 || Dinner 300+