JulieBulie10 Member


  • great advice above and more protein, protein, protein!! everytime you eat has to be at least 50% protein based..... protein is broken down by the body into amino acids which are necessary for repairing and re-building new muscle........ if you don't give your body protein, it will take it from the muscles you already…
  • This is a great question, and similar to one I was going to ask. I do hope you have found the answers you needed? I'm similar, in that I wondered if i HAVE to eat the extra calories I have earned through my exercise?? For example, my GOAL is 1200 cals/day I have earned extra calories by doing aerobics and a bike ride…
  • Hello, I use protein shakes, really simple way to hit protein targets, optimum nutrition, quick, tasty, lots of different recipes.... gentle on the digestive system.... I also am a distributor for the products and my whole family, including my children drink them, particularly for breakfast when its hard to get some quick…