

  • Thanks to you All your support it is very much appreciated! i look forward to my journey to health and well being oh and to losing weight!!! :laugh:
    in Hi All Comment by montehaara May 2008
  • Thanks for the tip Paula i'm finally getting used to navigating around the website now! thanks again Monique
  • Hi to everyone on this great site, I came across it by accident and so far it's been great it's only been a few days but it's helped me keep check of what I eat. Just wondering, is there anyone out there from Australia by chance! It would be great to have some support a bit closer to home but anywhere in the world is fine.…
    in Hi All Comment by montehaara May 2008
  • Well I'm from NZ Bay of Islands in fact but currently living in Oz.
  • Hi All, Have just joined the site and am a bit confused as to how it all works, i'm from Australia so i'm not familiar with weight convertions or even height for that matter although i'm sure I can work it out eventually. Was wondering if anyone can help me to add foods to my diary i'm a bit lost. Anyways hello to all and…
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