

  • I don't eat back my calories....if I am super hungry after a workout or at night I may have something healthy...but I do not make it a goal to eat them back.
  • Every morning I have my iced coffee and log it. I make it from scratch....full cup of ice, coffee and I measures 1/4 cup of French Vanilla non fat creamer. The first 3 or 4 sips make my day...it also doesn't set me into crazy sweets mode. Make it yourself, log it and enjoy it!
  • I spent 30+ years in south county (now I live in Florida) and I know exactly what you are talking about. SoCal is in its own realm. (I lived in Silverado/Lake Forest/Laguna) and when I initially was losing a lot of weight I felt very intimidated....but like others have said, its really just us being paranoid. When I see…
  • I am no where near short shorts but I tell my daughter.....low cut shirt goes with jeans....short shorts go with a more conservative top. Maybe its just too much for him to take all at once :)
  • I am 41 and am going on my fourth week logging....I would love to have more active and supportive friends so if anyone would like to add me, please do. :)
  • I think we are basically in the same boat....feel free to add me as a friend. I posted yesterday that I was really discouraged, and through the encouragement of my MFP friends I pushed on through. I think you need to calculate your TDEE and BMR. I was doing 1200 like MFP told me but I should actually be around 1350. Its a…
  • Anyone can feel free to add me. I am day 22 of logging and I track my food everyday. The more motivation the better! I am 41, married with a 15 year old girl in the US. :)
  • I actually use the Oikos Greek Yogurt Dip (instead of mayo)....only 25 calories for 2 tablespoons and its super tasty compared to plain Greek yogurt :)
  • I have a bad knee as well....I may need to check these videos out. :smile:
  • I personally love it. I have logged in for 15 days now and lost nearly 5 pounds. I am trying to learn from others.....and learn a healthy way of losing weight. I am viewing this as a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. If you would like some additional support please feel free to add me. :smile:
  • I am 41 and have logged in for 12 days now...so I basically just started! Feel free to add me as well. The more encouragement the better! :)
  • Its 204 calories for 1 1/4 cups and then I add 3/4 of a cup of brown rice which is 150 calories...so roughly 350 for a huge pile of food :)
  • Try that chicken chili taco recipe I posted. It seriously makes enough for probably 10 meals if you break them up. I had it for dinner and lunch and today it was actually better. I also buy a big huge pack of boneless skinless chicken breasts and bake them all on Sunday. I dice them up and stick them all in the fridge.…
  • I will try with you! I live in Florida so I understand the "heating up"! Friend request sent :)
  • Hi I am Vicki and I joined a few days ago...feel free to add me too! I have about 30 to 40 I am in the process of losing! The support has been great so far :)
    in Friends? Comment by tattsb4u March 2014
  • I am on day 9...I will send you a request! There are some great people on here...you got this!
  • My hubby works out of town all week and I have a 15 year old daughter who is the pickiest person alive so I basically cook for myself all week. The main thing I have started to do is buy a large pack of fresh boneless skinless chicken breasts and bake them on Sunday night. I season the heck out of them with salt free…
  • Awesome! I will that to my recipes! :)
  • I am on day nine.....am sending you a request! Happy Friday :)
  • I agree...stop weighing yourself. Take the battery out and give it to your husband or friend or something. That's what I need to do. I am not sure how old you are but I have noticed its harder for me now that I am in my early 40's. Weight literally used to fall off me...I would loose five pounds the first week and it would…
  • For me... French vanilla non fat coffee creamer (if I do not have that first thing in the morning I am useless!) Greek yogurt Cut up boneless skinless chicken (I bake the entire pack on Sunday and chop it up) Crystal light Cottage cheese 100 calorie popcorn
  • Could you possibly show her your MFP tracker....show her the types of foods you are eating so she gets off your back a bit? I actually downloaded the app for my mom to check out. Now she has a better idea about portion control and the calorie content in foods....Also, I saw you mentioned onion dip.....I just discovered…
  • I am nearly 42 and have about 30 to 40 to lose....I just signed up yesterday so I would also love the encouragement and help! It definitely is a lot harder as we get older (at least for me!). If anyone would like to add me, feel free :)
  • My daughter is now 15 and is a varsity swimmer and cheerleader at her high school. She was a very heavy child and at the age of about 12 - 13 she just grew like a beanstalk. She grew 7" in nine months and finally grew into her weight. In all honesty....she was overweight because I was lazy (key word I was lazy, I am NOT…
  • I just started online today....and my goal weight is 155 so I am on board with you! :)
  • Thank you! It seems to be getting harder as I get older......NOT okay! HA! I am hoping this sites helps keep me motivated :happy:
  • Would love to be your friend! Love your honesty as well. I just joined today....I am a bit older but I feel the same way. I just got married and he loves and accepts me, but I have never felt comfortable in my own skin....its time to get healthy and stop saying "I will do it tomorrow".....today IS tomorrow. We got this!…
  • Hi, I am Vicki....41 and newly married (first time). I would love to lose at least 30 pounds...and ever since I hit 40 it seems to be so much harder. Looking for support and motivation...more friends the better! Add me if you would like. Looking forward to this new journey :flowerforyou:
  • Feel free to add me too :) today is my first day logged in and I don't know how to add anyone yet! :) Motivation is what I am looking for too. :happy: