hels4397 Member


  • Anxious Boring Unproductive
  • I tell my students to get something with little to no grip/tread (running/hiking/training shoes are a BAD idea) - if you're into Nike, check out the musiques. Personally, I prefer the Reebok Zigs - I have 5 pairs that I alternate in and out. You can go to the Reebok outlet and see if they're on sale...check Marshalls...or…
  • As an instructor myself, I will tell you it so works! I lost 50lbs between changing my diet, some running and ZUMBA. And once you get the ZUMBA bug, you can't get rid of it! Trust me. I'm always looking for more music to choreograph to, as well as other classes to take. Currently I teach 6 classes a week, and if I didn't…
    in Zumba Comment by hels4397 February 2012
  • How much does a strap usually cost? I'm finding that when I use it for ZUMBA, it reads "00" partway through, and then regains my HR. What causes it to zero out? I have a Polar FT7. I'm so confused! I haven't used it because of that.
  • As an instructor myself, I will tell you it so works! I lost 50lbs between changing my diet, some running and ZUMBA. And once you get the ZUMBA bug, you can't get rid of it! Trust me. I'm always looking for more music to choreograph to, as well as other classes to take. Currently I teach 6 classes a week, and if I didn't…
    in Zumba Comment by hels4397 February 2012
  • Nothing make me laugh harder than fart humor :bigsmile:
  • Balling socks after they come out of the dryer emptying the dryer Drying & putting dishes away The rest of the chores I really don't mind doing :drinker:
  • Extremely well put...all of that
  • 1. Last night's discussion about my boyfriend and his ex-fiancee- Questioning if he's still not over her, and if I'm a rebound 2. Why I have NOTHING to do at work - 3rd day in a row...I'm so glad I have Friday off.. 3. How much my car is going to cost to get serviced (oil change, tires rotated etc) 4. How tonight's dinner…
  • Anxiety...knowing something's on the brink of happening, and your gut tells you its not good, yet you can't do anything about it. So maybe that falls with helplessness... That and a broken heart...
  • Mostly ZUMBA music with a few songs from Usher & LMFAO. My stretching/cool down is Remember the Name by Fort Minor
  • Half towards my new car, half in the bank for when I move out :bigsmile:
    in Taxes Comment by hels4397 February 2012
  • Mine was my email user name when I was in college...oh how I miss URI :sad:
  • "Don't give up your independence, unless it feels so right. Nothing good comes easily, sometimes you have to fight." ~ Amber by 311
  • I have way too many ZUMBA songs to list (as an instructor)..so I went with the most obvious...Danza Kuduro is another one to pump me up :)
  • Anything by Pitbull (or where he does a song with someone else) Totally gives me the energy I need to start and get through the day
  • Spending the night at my new boyfriend's place. Meeting his best friend tonight :noway: ZUMBA playlist for tomorrow. Dinner @ cheesecake factory. 4pm can't come quick enough because it's Friday and I'm so READY TO GO HOME!!!!
  • 1. The first one- it's on the end, and it's not the handicapped one. 2. The $20 would go in my gas tank since the gas light just came on 3. I'd get the personal massages :)
  • You and me both. If our Beloved Tom Brady chokes, I'll never hear the end of it. Lets hope Gronkowski plays <3
  • For me it's eyes, chest, hair (when I straighten it..it's naturally curly)
  • Happiness is... ZUMBA ZUMBA ZUMBA <3 Falling in love Greasy french fries
  • Ok so my boyfriend and I just started dating (it'll be around a month when v-day hits). I'm thinking to write him a note/card...do his favorite chocolate (yes he has a favorite chocolate)...and then taking it behind closed doors ;) We both work on actual v-day, so we're celebrating early, and allllllllllll day might I add…
  • As an instructor, I can tell you that I LOVE teaching, and LOVE going to the class....even when I'm not teaching :) There's a different energy being in a class than bring alone in your house. I can understand trying it to learn the steps and what not, but I'd take a class over the Wii/Xbox/PS3 any day :)
    in Zumba! Comment by hels4397 February 2012
  • As an instructor I will tell you, there's no "right" way to do ZUMBA. All you need to do is focus on having fun. The steps will come with time. Just feel the music, and smile a lot :)
  • Central CT here!!! :)
  • Born & Raised in CT - still there. Where abouts?
  • Latin/Reggaeton...that's my genre :) Gets my pumped and helps keep me going/happy through most of the day :smile:
  • Its catchy let me tell you - I eat, breathe & sleep ZUMBA. Always working on choreographing new songs, Youtube videos, and even the Zumbawear (spent like $200 in the last week on the new line). It's my passion, even though I have zero dance background. You'll find that most instructors are friendly & are good peeps. You…
  • Thats AWESOME!! :) Well you can go a few ways. I have my own class that I teach 4 days a week as independent contracts ("indie") - I co-teach with someone else, so my share is around $100-$150 a week (going solo would double that). I also work through a health club & make $25/hr, and through Adult ed where I make…
  • hey all! I'm Heather, 28 years old, living in Central CT. I've been licensed as a ZIN since July 2010 - have B1, B2, Zumbatomic and am going for Toning in March. I tried ZUMBA when I was student teaching, needed to lose weight (topped 275 lbs at that point)..got hooked immediately! It helped that I had an awesome…