MamaWeil2018 Member


  • Absolutely, positively visit Alaska at some point in your life. I worked there all summer and a more beautiful place I have never seen. The hiking is amazing, the views gorgeous, and the people are great! (in fact, the picture on my ticker is one I took while hiking up Mount Juneau!)
  • I've only had mine once since starting, but I didn't notice a gain- I just stayed the same weight for 2 weeks, where I had been losing a pound a week prior to that. It's an interesting question though, I'll have to pay attention from now on! Love the suggestion about more water though, wouldn't have considered that!
  • I just switched to almond milk and have been using the unsweetened kind, but vanilla flavoured (is that an oxymoron?), I find it a nice flavour in coffee :)
  • I'll admit I didn't read all of the responses so sorry if this is a repeat, but aside from lower your calories and stuff, have you tried varying your food a little? You said dinner every night is a spinach salad, etc so maybe your body is just not getting the variety it wants to activate weight loss. I find that I get a…
  • Yep, almost all schools, universities and colleges cancelled (ALMOST all, mine being the only one NOT)...I can't see past my balcony outside! Oh Canada...
  • Thanks everyone, that does clear up a lot for me. I don't think I'm mixing up cooked and uncooked when I'm logging unless the entries in the MFP database are wrong (usually they're labeled as cooked or uncooked) but I think I'm just going to start making my own and going from there. I will definitely have to check out a…
  • I like this idea, you can still have your sorrow foods but at least if you have a hard workout beforehand, the food is on YOUR terms, not just based on the sadness. A breakup is a really crappy thing to go through, but this (getting into shape, etc) is something that you can do for yourself, because no one deserves it more…
  • set your goals in increments- it's much less daunting and I find it much more manageable and rewarding! Go in 5-10lb sets, and see how you feel after each. I know my weight loss is moving much more slowly than other friends on MFP but I'm almost at my first 5lb goal, which is encouraging enough to keep me going!
  • I'm bumping too, love hummus and need to try some of these yummy looking recipes!
  • Inspiring story, you have definitely motivated me with a number of the elements in your story :) Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
  • something breaded- usually some kind of breaded chicken sub or something. I can usually work it into my day if I'm careful and planning for it, but sometimes I just need something that resembles fried. Other than that, something with a wee bit of chocolate :P
  • I found a website for doing strength and cardio stuff at home, as I can't afford a, great variety of workouts and all different lengths, they mark how strenuous each workout is so you can start off light and ease your way's made a big difference for me!
  • I'm 5'4", currently 154lbs (down 1lb from my starting weight!) and aiming for 130lbs! Always looking to build the support network, so feel free to chat!
  • If you have the motivation to work out at home, I found a good youtube channel with a great variety of workouts. They have a website too, everything's free with a few exceptions- they have an 8 week weight loss workout that you pay something like $5 for the PDF book on how the routine works, etc. The youtube channel is…
  • I'm 5'4", started off (again) recently at about 157lbs. My goal is 130lbs, but I'd be ok going down to maybe 120-125lbs. I agree with the last comment, it really depends on body type- I have nice legs and a small upper body, but big hips so hopefully less than 130lbs won't make me look like a ridiculous reverse hourglass…
  • I'll see what I can find to bring on board- I'm in Europe at the moment and shopping is pretty difficult, but I'm willing to try anything! I really appreciate the help! Any brands of protein bars or meal replacement that you'd recommend? And to answer your question JANELLPOTTORFF, I work for Princess Cruises :)
  • there are usually a few meat options at each meal, but it's not the greatest quality- chicken tends to be fatty, and a lot of the meats are fried or cooked in gravies and stuff