milkysmum Member


  • Well done first of all! I've read that apparently it takes 4 weeks for you to notice a difference, 8 weeks for people you're close to to notice a difference and 12 weeks for colleagues etc to see you've changed. Also sometimes I think people can be quite self absorbed so don't really notice unless you've lost stones and…
  • Me too! Am 37 and have lost 11 lbs in the last 3 months, got about 50 to go. I log every day, even the bad ones... Am in Liverpool :)
  • Thanks all :) am feeling much better, I think I was just having a few blue days, am usually quite a positive person! Really appreciate everyone who took time to reply to me. Am totally getting a fitbit, they sound great, my birthday is coming up so fingers crossed... bwogilvie thank you, I actually cried a bit reading you…
  • Have just added you lesleycali :) I have to say after staying on the straight and narrow for a while I've fallen right off the wagon today. My DS has chicken pox - am sleep deprived and he's basically screamed for 3 days straight - willpower nil today!! Back to it tomorrow. Surely one day can't undo everything...?
  • Hi! I'm 37 in a few weeks, have a little boy who's almost 3 (where did that go?!) and need to lose 40/50 lbs. How are you doing with your motivation? If you like we could friend each other, my diary is open to friends if you do the same we are accountable to each other... How do you fit exercise in? I walk the dog a lot…
  • Wow thanks for all your replies, I didn't expect so many! I think a few people missed the point a bit though, yes I log and weigh everything, the problem is that some days when I'm exhausted or feeling low I go over my calorie limit. I know I don't eat in deficit every day, that's my problem. Seeing as I can't fit in much…