PaintedImage Member


  • F them!!! I agree, just jealous if you are on my fitness pal then it would seem that you are doing it the smart way - portion control!! Just be careful not to be in deficit too much as you will slow your metabolism down and be counter productive. (I need to work on that too!)
  • Not that I'm an expert, but I think that qual:happy: ifies as very active. I am a horse owner also and although I am boarding now, I have had my own stable in the past it's alot of work!!! Any idea, what grooming a 17 hand horse that is shedding out - how many calories that burns. He gave me a work out this morning! there…
  • thanks, good info, I have been on this yo- yo cycle it seems for 30 years. I always start out great in the morning, thru lunch and then invaraibly, by the time I get home (I work west coast hours and live on the east coast) I am starving and then say to myself, well, you have been soo good today, eat what ever! 45 mins…