katie_perkins Member


  • @jenronan1 - That was exactly what I was looking for when I wrote this... Thank you so much! I will definitely do that. I think I may switch it up, every other day do longer, less intense work-out and then shorter, harder workouts. I honestly know very little about things like this. My husband thinks he's an expert, but he…
  • My problem is when they shipped the bike to me, something happened with the counter all together. The numbers are messed up so I can't read any of it for the time being, as far as the HRM or Calories Burned or even time doing it. So, basically I time myself with my iPhone and also I try to watch three episodes of The…
  • Even though seeing a number you didn't want to and weren't expecting to see sucks, there has to come a turning point in your life where you say, "No more!" It looks like that was your day! I know I'm not alone in saying, we will back you 110% and support you! You got this girl... Half the battle is deciding to change. :)
  • I've had this app for awhile now, but I'm getting serious about it again and would LOVE some friends/encouragement/support. I'm one of those people that needs to be pushed and reminded of why I'm doing this . :)