

  • Hey! I'm Italian :-) don't worry! We have a healthy diet. The lightest options in a restaurant are pasta with tomato sauce, fish and veggies, salads... I think that you should avoid lasagne, risotto, piadina, gelato, tiramisù, cotoletta (which is Fried). Try pizza!!:-) (just have one without cheese). Have fun!!! Where are…
  • I know know how u feel... :( some years ago I suddently realised that I was fat, so I lost 10kg reaching a BMI of 17. I was freaking skinny bit I still wanted to lose weight. Now I understand that the problem was in my mind. In the last 2 years I gained those kilos back and now I hate my appearance, I hate my legs and my…
  • Hellooo! I need motivation too.. Stay strong!!:-)
  • Hi everyone! :-) my current weight is 119 lbs. OMG it seems so much to me because I had to convert it from kilogrammes ahahah (54 kg). Anyway, everytime I hop on the scale I feel so bad that I start to binge and I ruin my progress. My goal is to eat healthy and to exercise regularly, so that I can feel well and stop being…