LMDEN2014 Member


  • BTW......cooking at home could be that you are making great stuff, but loaded with calories (fats and sugars) and that is not helping. In my cooking, I eliminated the butter in 99% of the cases (use olive or avocado oil instead), sweets are just on rare occasions. When we crave sugar it is fruits or dark chocolate. I…
  • Ok, I am with you on this, my friends call me a food freak because I make EVERYTHING from scratch (in the winter I buy tomatoes sauce-the only packaged thing I buy-, in the summer I use tomatoes from my garden). I love to cook gourmet food for my family of 3 and I am very concerned with the a balanced nutrition. I buy…
  • Something is off then. Do you weigh your food? **This is a big one for most people. Measuring cups & spoons are generally only accurate for liquids and loose poweders.** How are you determining your workout calorie burn? My workouts: I play r-ball in a league with mostly men once a week for an hour and a half, that, I…
  • My BMR is 1,200 (I am F, 5ft3in, 138lbs) I eat (log my food every day) 1100-1300 cal/day during the week and 1500-1700 on the weekends. Being very conservative, my 4 workouts burn another 2,200 calories/week. I have been doing for 3 months now and I have not lost 1 lb.....pretty frustrating
  • Males and females losing weight......whole different thing; much easier for males
  • That is my question too...to lose 1 lb you must have 3,500 calorie deficit...the problem is that the formula for BMR formula is general, it does not work for everyone the same.....my BMR is 1200 (based on formula, but in reality I think 1,000), I workout 4-5 times/week and burn 2,500 (conservative nr) calories, but I would…
  • CBC 435 I know, and she knows this med is for obese people, I had to present my log with all my efforts (measurements and weights, my diet, exercise, etc) to get it as a last resort because I am so frustrated with my trials. I can't be doing 800cal/day on long term (that is the only way to lose weight for me....last time…
  • It is easy to label things based on your own experience, but we have to accept that what works for one person, might not work for all. That being said...I am 5ft 3in and 138 lbs, 46 yo, F, size 8 pushing 10.......I know this might not seem like overweight, but for me it is and I do not feel good about myself. I never had…