

  • With the gym exercises you could be building mussel mass and mussel are a lot heaver than fat keep at it. To many people expect a instance lose but not putting on weight is a good start. Keep doing with what you are and have a look in 3 months even if you still haven't lossed anything at least you will know that you are a…
  • I have never had this problem for a whole food range but like most people there are thing I dislike and you learn to avoid them. What I would suggest with fish problem is to look at them 1 at a time. For instance take the humble sardine, if you go to a large supper market you will find them fresh from the fish counter and…
  • a lot of people fast for lots of reasons but if you are doing it to lose weight then stop. Fasting messes with your body and any gain you make will soon be lost, The best advice I can give is eat fresh colours, Greens, reds, whites and yellow on your plate means you are eating low fat and healthy foods.
  • Planning list every thing you have eaten and keep in mind what you plan to eat get the portion right and nothing is out of bounds. I still drink beer, go out for meals eat peanut butter, I put cream on my strawberrys and generally eat what i want. If I over do it I add an extra gym session, you must burn more than you…
  • Hi I been doing a 5-2 diet since mid March with a slight add or minus on the 2 fast days I eat around 1500 kcal but I also do 2 gym sessions 1 am before work 1 pm after work and burn around 300 kcal on each session. the other days i try to keep below 2000 kcal and do a stretch class in between I have lost 17lbs and…
  • I don't log the small bits its not worth the effort but keep an eye on things like sodium levals and if getting close to limit make sure you take the missed bits into account.