MikeHankins Member


  • i was going to add photo of when I followed it. It worked well. I lost 30lbs in 10weeks. Great program. Back on it.
  • I have had success with both MFP & BFL as well. Im considering dropping MFP & getting away from being held to the numbers. Portion size is almost always perfect when you follow BFL. No to mention once I started doing more lifting while on the MFP i stopped losing. I got really lean on BFL. Im trying to mix them together…
  • Here's the thing. I listen to my body. I have been doing this long enough to know that if I’m hungry to drink water 1st and wait for 10-15mins. If I’m still hungry I eat. The signal that is sent from your stomach to your brain is received and interpreted the same for hunger and thirst. One of the main reasons that people…
  • . I have questions myself. Most of them I just want to get others advice or opinions. I was watching Oprah and there was a Dr who lost over 100lbs. The crazy thing is that even with all of her education and experience she admitted to the fact that she should have known how to do it. Truthfully we all know what are body…
  • bump??? would you tell me what this means. its driving me crazy
  • Hands down P90X. However, as with any home exercise DVDs, you need to mix it up a bit. Otherwise it will get boring. My goal is the same as anyones, lose fat and build muscle. Tonite I used Slim in 6 for abs after a 20 min bike ride with my family. It was great. Instead of fighting with the kids to keep out of the way…
  • Ha, great minds. I got a bike and bike trailer for my wife. I've always been a fan of biking but my wife hasnt really cared much. I jumped out and bought us nice bikes and trailer... which i pull... And she loves it. We live on the a lake so its beautiful. We def burn some crazy calories! Question for you tho. Do you use a…
  • Its no wonder women are so successful at reaching goals. You ladies put a side the childish pride that leads most men i know to never getting results because they are to prideful to ask questions and admit that they dont know everything. Well, I believe I found an answer to the question. I already knew the answer. I just…
  • I think that your rite. I have always been fit and never had much problems with cutting up. Until my schedule got busy and obviously I'm getting older so my body metabolism is slowing. Im only trying to lose another 10lbs. The last 10lbs are always the hardest. If Im hungry I normal eat. I just look at my nutrients for the…