

  • I lost 20lbs without a gym membership by using the MFP tools last year, for diet reasons alone. I will add however that I'm a yoga teacher, so I always take classes for free at the studio I teach at, but in terms of incorporating strength training and cardio, I've had a lot of success with workout DVD's, and weights that I…
  • Hi there- It can be really difficult when you are trying so many different things and not seeing the results you want. I understand your frustration. If you don't mind my asking, what kinds of foods are you eating? Do you think you may have any food allergies that you are unaware of? Perhaps a thyroid deficiency that has…
  • Hi Karli- I completely hear you on your time crunch, and I applaud you for starting this journey. What's your work schedule like? Do you get an hour for lunch? If so, is there a way for you to maybe do about 15 minutes of either walking around, or some sort of movement? There are lots of posts on the internet about simple…
  • Hi Andy- Fruits are fantastic, and if you are going to eat sugars, Fruit is the best way to get them, but if you are noticing that your sugars are way over, I'd stick to Berries and apples for your fruit intake as they are the less "sugary" of the fruits. It can also be helpful to switch-up with some veggies, but I'd go…