
  • Sounds like you are doing an AWESOME job! Keep the water intake up --- along w/ all the other great things you are doing and you should be well on your way to success! I'm not sure what your height/weight/age specs all are -- but the trainer I hired last yr to perform an assessment said I should stick w/ 1200 cals to lose…
  • Hi Alice! I'm a newbie too! Accidentally found it last week-end and began logging EVERYTHING immediately... The result: End of week 1 I'd lost weight! Just think -- if you only lose 1 lb a week that's 52 pounds in one year!! (some wks might be zero loss -- other weeks might be 3 or 4) -- Your body will react differently…
  • I too grew up learning to make them the EASY way --- (without having to pre-cook anything & only 1 bowl gets dirty!)... ========================================================================= We'd mix the following: Filling Prep: --lean hamburger - 1 pkg lb --minute rice - 1 cup --red kidney beans - 1 can --diced white…
  • Is 30-40 a firm requirement - in other words, what if I want to lose 30-40 minimum and 30-50 ideally...? I assume that's still okay!? I'd love to join the effort as I'm seeing a lot of us are in the same relative range... in either CURRENT WEIGHT or in CURRENT LOSS-to-date totals... Last week was Wk 1 for me and I'm…