I just started keto and I'd love to be friends! :)
I'd really love some support as well. Every time I seek out someone to be an accountability buddy, they vanish on me and I fail again. I'd love to have someone who is willing to stay committed. :)
I'm 5'7" and my goal is 125. I have a relatively small frame so it's not unreasonable for my shape.
I drink a lot of tea! Haha. But tea gets boring and I tend to be very particular about my tea. I also drink too much coffee and I really should stop.
Hudson here :)
A red headed slut with a splash of coke, AKA a Lindsay Lohan. ;) Also Whiskey Sours are my life.
On the topic of graphics, I really don't understand why everyone is complaining. No, the graphics aren't Skyrim-level gorgeous, but you can't have your cake and eat it too. (Especially in this sort of company). You either have an online game, or you have stunning graphics. If we had both, it would require ridiculous…
Diet: If I just satisfy the craving it will go away and I won't have to worry about it Exercise: The athletes will probably be using all the equipment/I don't have enough free time
XBL: OblivionKiss PSN: ElleAimaitLaMort Steam: IridescentRose
I give full credit to The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask for making me into a gamer.