twilatillman Member


  • I love Leslie's walk away the pounds. Just got two new ones that are done to party music. Like the rest of you I get tired of hearing her. Good thing about the new ones I just got you can choose music only. I've done enough of her videos I don't need to hear her. Also the new DVDs have the hiit intervals. Going to do my…
  • I'm just a little disappointed in my flex. Thought it would be good to have it around my wrist. It was for a while but now as the weather is getting warm it bothers me. I take it out of the band and put it in my pocket. The only advantage of a Fitbit is that it syncs with myfitnesspal. Once the Fitbit quits working I doubt…
  • I read that when we exercise our muscles retain water. I use to think muscle buildup until I read that article. Muscles do buildup but it takes a while for that to happen. Hang in there you will see results. You might not see the scales move. Do your measurements. That seems to be the first thing people see a change in…
  • I'm gluten intolerant. There are many good gluten free products now. I fixed GF macaroni last night. Couldn't tell the difference except how I felt afterwards. I do miss sliced bread. I do buy GF but it is high in calories for a small slice. I don't use it very often. I do once in a while eat the foods with gluten in them…
  • Drink water while waiting for meal to arrive. There has been times that I have drank too much and no room left for food. We can still enjoy those special days in our lives and not damage our efforts. Happy Birthday!
  • Thanks for the info.
  • When I first started using the elliptical I could only stay on it a couple of minutes. I was embarrassed as I was at the gym. But I kept at it and it wasn't long before I was able to do 30 minutes. Keep doing what you are at the lower resistance and try to stay on a little longer each day. I had to work through a little…
  • Articles on weight loss. One article will tell you this food is good for you and then the next day an article says do not eat these foods. It is very confusing.