
  • I totally agree with that! I have also done it for years. Helps me keep on track and maintain my weight loss.
  • I say educate yourself, thats what I did. When I started to look at the ingredients and realized what junk they are, I didnt want to put that in my body. If the ingredients look like a science experiment, its probably not a good idea to eat it. Also , by eating healthier foods, and eating more often, 3 meals and 2 snacks,…
  • Truvia is an excelent natural sweetner (Stevia). As far as helping your cravings try giving up sweets , you grow new tatse buds about every 2 weeks, so if you can cut back or give them up for that long you may find your cravings diminished. It worked for me. I also find I dont think the calories are worth the short…
  • Kettlebells are awesome for core strength and buring calories! You can get quite a cardio workout doing it the right way. I have seem some dvds at Best Buy and Walmart. Many local recreation centers also now have classes where you can go learn technique and form, then do it yourself at home. I am hooked on it,
  • Yes, I have it and still lose weight. I didnt find out till I had already lost 75 lbs. I take the meds for it now and have no side effects except I feel better and have more energy.
  • Google bat wing exercises! lol Here are some from Livestrong:
  • Fiber One bran cereal is a great source of fiber....14 grams in 1/2 can easily add this to regular cereal or as topping on yougurt etc. It has no High Fructose Corn Syrup.