mlschuetz Member


  • You'd really be surprised. I was the same way, but really, a coke would fill me up whereas water doesnt as much so i would eat more. As bad as coke is for you, for me it was a total appetite supressant (not condoning it and NEVER going back to it). When i started logging my weight, i was really surprised at how fast I…
  • i was doing the same rob - maybe ignorance is bliss because we were both getting way less carbs than we thought! The only problem was I was avoiding some great foods because of it :smiley:
    in Avocados Comment by mlschuetz May 2015
  • Ahhh this is enlightening. Thank you. Ok, i switched mine as well. All this time i would eat healthy stuff and then go over in carbs and it was super restricted. But yet I seemed to still reach ketosis, so that explains things. I was always confused because i read that the european labels record net carbs but the american…
    in Avocados Comment by mlschuetz May 2015
  • add me too please! running out of meal ideas