

  • I'm also in the exact same boat as you. Only I have had bulimia with self inducing and also obsessive exercising. When it was really bad I would do all three regularly. Restrict, exercise, binge, purge all in one day. Although I lost a lot of weight since I have stopped exercising so obsessively and purging I have gained…
  • Hi, I'm really pleased you got your periods back well done! Just wondering what is LCKD? I would also like to try and get my period back but atm am in a horrible cycle of bulimia :-(
  • Congratulations on getting your menstrual cycle back! I hope to get mine back soon too.. I was just wondering if anyone who has P.C.O.S also has a problem with bingeing/bulimia? I have been diagnosed with PCOS and have episodes where I binge on very sugary foods and sometimes purge. Does this have to do with my insulin…
  • I can totally relate to all of you guys, I also use to be bulimic and now I don't purge (self induce and over exercise) so I have gained alot of weight as I am still bingeing. I feel like giving up on life, I know this sounds so pathetic but if I can't control my eating - something so basic to life, how can I control other…
  • I am also in the same boat, I guess i have EDNOS as its a combination of bulimia and binge eating. I also have a set amount of weight I need to lose but can't seem to win the battle with EDNOS. I hope we can support each other in our journey! x
  • I am also in the same boat, I have been trying to eat clean but it seems I have been bingeing more than ever lately. I feel trapped in a box and cant seem to escape.