No. You have to be honest with yourself. If you don't do it 100%, you're not going to get the results you want. Besides, do you want a 4 1/2 pack or a 6 pack?
I'm here for you. I've been fat my whole childhood and I'm becoming more and more built since I've turned 18. I've went from 165 to 144 in 3 months. You can do it. It's a long road ahead of you brother, but it's a road you'll enjoy looking back on once you get fit and healthy.
Keep on going, don't ever be disappointed, as long as you are willing to try and you are trying hard. Some days, you can go over the calorie count, some days you have spare a few hundred extra, every single calorie counts. Before you order that poutine/lasagna, just know that there is always a cause and effect.