

  • Hey ladies! I'm down 1.6 lbs this week...thankfully, after a gain last week. Trying to get back in a workout groove after not feeling well the week before last. Really want to get back to walking every morning. For a while there, I was really addicted to my walk and went into withdrawls if I didn't go. Hoping that happens…
  • Hey Ladies! Sorry it has been a few days since checking in. Didn't get to work out like I wanted to last week because of the rain, but still had a small loss of .4 lbs. Yesterday, my family along with another homeschooling family took a day trip over to St. Augustine for their homeschool day. We had such a good time…
  • The past 2 days have been a bummer for me in the exercise department. It has been raining during my "walking times"! Boo! ...and the rest of the days have been filled with life. :wink: Hoping that the weather will hold out today and let me get my walk in. Other than that, I have been staying under my calorie goal and…
  • Burned 662 calories today walking. Have been wanting to start a new routine, but life hasn't let me. Hoping that I can get going on that tomorrow. Hope that everyone is doing well...I look forward to seeing all of the updates tomorrow. Good night Rock That Dress Ladies!!!!!
  • Burned 805 calories today on 2 different walks. My first walk, I used 3 lb weights and did different arm exercises in 1 minute intervals. Trying to do this 3 times this week and will try to use some bigger dumbbells next week....maybe. ;o) I have a really busy day tomorrow, and won't be home from about 8:15 am - 9:30 pm.…
  • Welcome Texastae1010! Glad you can join us! I burned 343 calories today during my walk. I planned to walk again this evening with my neighbor, but that got cancelled because we decided to take our boys to the river. We went yesterday and saw manatees, so we wanted to take our snorkeling gear with us this time to try and…
  • I guess I ended up taking my rest day yesterday. :o/ and I went over on calories a little. But I'm heading in the right direction today since I've already gone for a walk. Have a great Monday everybody! Get out there and strive for your goals!!!
  • My goal for this challenge is to lose 1.7 lbs per week. This week I lost 2 lbs!!! Yippee! After a very idle August, this has been wonderful to see. For the challenge this week, my goal is to walk 20 miles. I started this morning with 2.68, so 17.32 to go! I also want to add weights in this week at least 3 times. Looking…
  • Good thing I worked out on my rest day yesterday because I didn't get in any today. One of my sons started coming down with something yesterday and I think I woke up with it this morning. I drank 10 glasses of water and am hopeful to get a work out in tomorrow. :o)
  • Didn't get a chance to get back on the computer last night...I'm with Lis, wishing I could do it from my phone would make it a whole lot easier. Yesterday was technically supposed to be my rest day, but had a rough afternoon and decided I NEEDED my walk last night! I burned 516 calories during my 65 minute walk. I also…
  • Everyone is doing so great! I am so proud of all of you guys!!! I was really bummed this morning when it was pouring down rain during my usual walk time. I had several appointments out and about today, so I am glad I at least got my evening walk in with my neighbor. I burned 463 calories and stayed within my calorie limit.…
  • I didn't get a chance to post my calories burned yesterday since we had a big day out and about after church. Yesterday, I stayed within my calorie goals and burned 322 calories during my morning walk. Today we had a fun day with friends over...we cooked, grilled out, swam, chatted and all the kids played. It was a really…
  • I usually do my morning walk before my kiddos wake up and while my hubby is still at home (leave my house at about 6:30ish). I homeschool my boys and they are 8 years old, so in the afternoon I usually do either step aerobics or some other video while they are upstairs playing. Yesterday though, I mowed the grass...which…
  • Burned 764 calories today! Ready to get up and do it all again tomorrow! Good night "Rock That Dress" Pals! :yawn:
  • Hey excited about this challenge because my initial motivation to start losing weight was my cousin's wedding coming up in February. On my profile I said, "I want to be a hot mama and rock that bridesmaid dress! ;o) " how appropriate. I'm looking forward to giving and receiving encouragement through this…