

  • Very inspiring, good job!!
  • Hey, losing 35lbs is a wonderful achievement! Every loss here, even if it's regarded as a small one compared to some of the succes stories here, is still a big thing to do! Well done!
    in 0lb to go!!! Comment by Senixv June 2014
  • I'm on my 10day streak today and try my best to log everything everyday at the moment. It's sometimes difficult, as I am a Dutch speaker and not all products I buy are in the logs, BUT I am trying to add new food as much as possible. Looking for friends, motivation and people with the same ideas concerning future life and…
  • You are a true inspiration. What a wonderful thing you have achieved. I am sooo jealous of you, you have a will strength and a power in yourself that very few possess and I will keep your story in mind when I'm writing further with my own story. I just started with MFP but I am honoured to have read your story as one of…