mcdona84 Member


  • The fastest way to lose weight is caloric restriction. However, if you are strength training and dieting you may see an increase in weight due to increase muscle mass (which is a good thing!). So if your strength is improving, do not worry if your weight has not changed. Increased muscle mass will increase your resting…
  • Agreed that you should wait a few weeks as your weight can fluctuate up to 10 pounds a day. You can also take girth measurements. Have some one take your bicep, forearm, thigh, etc. circumferences. This can be a measure of hypertrophy (although this is likely to occur much later as increases in strength are primarily due…
  • The best thing you can do for muscle is to make sure you are consuming enough protein, if you are active then you should be consuming between 1.2-1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. So if you are 200 lbs that is roughly 90.9 kg (200/2.2), so your protein intake might between 109.08 - 136.35 grams. BMR is the…