korymaeris Member


  • I'm totally in on this! Feel free to add me if you want motivation! I know I need it. xD
  • It does, thank you!
  • Hahahaha! This! I was a chemist before an historian, and I always laugh about stuff like this. XD
  • This is exactly what it is, the "inner child." Thank you. I will certainly start thinking of this.
  • ^This. I really shouldn't skip meals. It's hard when I'm not hungry when I wake up. I actually have to force myself to eat in the morning, and am usually not hungry until I've been awake around eight hours. I am against low-fat anything, and refuse to buy it, so I don't think it's that. The sodium may be a piece though,…
  • Word. I used to manage a Taco Bell, worked at Braum's for two years, KFC for one, and worked at Subway for three years. Aside from the gross things that people did to the food, we got paid ****, like the cost of a meal being more than what I made in an hour. Thanks for the reminder. Ugh.
  • I remember how when I was fit, I laughed about this when I first saw it. The irony. It's funny when I think about how I got myself into this, it's like I'm a completely different person. It's amazing the impact of injuries, and how easy it is to fall into unhealthy cycles. Thankfully, as you've stated people have given…
  • But excuses are easy! You're right, though. People do what I do, and while they may not be mentally sound afterwards, they can still be healthy. ;)
  • Right on, someone familiar with the struggle! I just started looking at some recipes. I love to cook, so this won't be as bad as I thought. I think it's just the idea of food not being fresh, but once I rationalized I eat fast food, that went out the window. Thankfully I love soup, so this shouldn't be as hard as I…
  • I guess I should have stated it's things like the McWrap, veggie burgers, and McD's "fruit" smoothies. So they're disguised as healthy, but yeah. Maybe I should start smoking again, might make it better. Ha! (That was sarcasm, folks.)
  • Goals are definitely something that's helped me academically - I don't know why I never thought of putting them towards food. :) Thank you.
  • Thanks! :)
  • Thanks everyone, at least the positive people. It's hard when you juggle work, publishing research, teaching two classes, and going to school at the same time, all while trying to maintain a life at home. When your schedule is literally booked from 7am to 8pm Monday through Friday, while devoting almost all weekend to…
  • Hi everyone. I've been on here a while and haven't thought to introduce myself anywhere. They say you reach your goals better in numbers, so here's hoping I can make some new friends. I'm Jen, and a fan of video games, anime, Vocaloid, but most importantly - history and ancient literature. I'm also a History and Humanities…