

  • Is this roller coast in cincinnati- Kings Island? they have one- its called "Outer Limits"
  • I was hoping to lose at least 10 pounds by now- having a deficit of 7000 calories a week is 2lbs a week. Thanks for all the advice though- i'll try to keep it in mind. Its just that this is not the fist time i have tried losing weight and its so easy to just go back to my old habits and Not care anymore- trying to avoid…
    in Help- Advice Comment by kbolin June 2012
  • YAY! Happy Nurses Week- I'm a nursing student. I just finished my second semester- only three more to go!!! i've got the summer off so i am focusing on myself and hoping that it clicks for the future and not just for right now!!! Motivation and dedication are key!
    in Nurses Comment by kbolin May 2012