gdog2022 Member


  • Hi, and welcome to the group. I see you have already met Trish. She is amazing isn't she. Send me a friend request and let's see what we can do to help.
  • I float between classical and jazz, but when I work out, I'm like you. I need to be motivated. I prefer rock & roll. The faster the beat the faster I go. When I used to run, I would save the really good songs for the uphill runs to get more energy.
    in Music Comment by gdog2022 April 2014
  • Hi right back at ya!!
  • That's a great idea. I don't t do a lot of weights because I don't want to add any muscle mass at this time. I have been rotating my exercises and routines. I like your idea. Maybe shake it up a bit.
  • I'm here also. Please send friend request.
  • Wow, sounds like a great place for you to open a gym. I'm sure there are other people in that situation. I was a lot like your husband. My wife was trying to be good with her choices, my son is picky, and I'll eat just about anything. I was stuck between our finances and my wife trying to eat healthier. My wife said to me…
  • I'm in the same boat you are. I have taken small steps like little changes to meals. Then I started making a few better choices when eating out. The hardest thing I've done so far is to drop the soft drinks though I have one from time to time. The next thing I knew, (Like it was over night) I dropped 2 pants sizes. It's…