

  • I think to improve yourself sure but to be so careful to not go to far. In saying that I have some thin even one friend who is as you put it as thin as a clothes hanger but they are very beautiful people so maybe sometimes when we write tact could be the improvement we are looking to change .Cheers to all of us to our…
  • Hi, Sad to say but I am 350 lbs plus some I have only 3 months ago started to even try to get healthier. To cut a long story short I had just done a trailer load of junk to the local tip in that load I'd chucked my deep fryer out. One of the best things I did & replaced it with a teal acti-fry . Awesome machine. I ended up…
  • Just a few suggestions Kippers, Sardines,Steamed Vegatables,Baked beans,Eggs smashed,scrambled,boiled,poached,chopped or in mini quiches with spring onions low fat cottage cheese ,grated carrot & zucchini yum. Maybe fruit salad instead of garden salad. I'm sure there is many more it's really late but thought I'd try to…
  • Hi, I can relate to this sounds the same as I was a year ago & not a great deal weight wise has happened since however you might like to talk to your DR about fluid retention & also hormones to just rule out those kinds of problems first. I have double of what you have to loose. I have lost then gained back & just lost…
  • Hi,Christina honestly one of the only successful lifestyle changes I've made was Oct 25th 2012 that was giving up smoking a significant change & even though I stacked on a huge amount of weight after I'm so so glad I made that devcission & stuck to it. Since then a lot has happened & here it am on this site heading in the…
  • Hi, I think choosing my fittness pal was just one really great choice you could have made toward a fitter healthier happier you. I have had this app on my phone for a couple of months now it was recommended to me by my in the home hospital care nurses when I was getting treatment & I'm so very glad I did get sick to have…