LatinaPris Member


  • Me too I just found this challenge and can't wait to go and do the exercise routine. Thanks to the person that notied I can download the 1st part on you tube... Really excited!!!!!
  • Yup It's almost 11:00 and I still can't add myself on the spread sheet. Do I have to do something different?
  • This will be my first real group that I've joined. Hoping that I can lose the weight. My daughter is 2 and I haven't completely lost all my weight like I should have. will see how this goes. I'd just like to be back to my average weight it just seems harder now. Hope to meet stronger people than me to get this done..…
  • Hello Ladies, This is my first time posting so I'm sorry if its lame. I want to join a group so I can stay motivated. I am 32 and I weigh 189 lbs which I started at 193 last Friday, So far so good. Really needing to lose weight found out my cholesterol was high and well that to me is just a scary thing.I have a birthday in…