

  • Thanks for all your help and advice xx
  • Ah thank you for that! Funnily enough I decided to stop my bc after being on for over 10 years....I think I'll make a docs appt in 6 weeks time to check my BP as I only stopped my bc a few weeks ago- fingers crossed it is lower! The docs said I had all the signs of suffering from anxiety which I seemed to have calmed down…
  • I agree with the last post. It is amazing how veg can fill you up so switch from having meat, veg and potatoes/rice to just meat and veg. You don't have to feel hungry to stay within your calorie goal.
  • Sticking to 3 meals a day....I always have a low cal low fat soup at lunch and meat and veg for dinner- make sure you are full at the end of every meal so I always have loads of veg at dinner. If you eat lots of fruit in the daytime try switching to celery and a low cal dip to avoid unwanted calories!
  • Sorry I'm not classed as obese but I am classed as overweight