TekkyGeek Member


  • I have suffered from the same thing with very similar profile to yourself. My MHR is nearly 200 and I am 45 yrs old. What I have found that helps me a lot is to vary the mix of carbs and proteins to get rid of those last few lbs. I am around 15lbs from my ultimate goal, and have been losing (very slowly from the fast…
  • As everyone else said just learn and move on. We're only human :) The other thing to remember is that you don't necessarily digest and assimilate every calorie. Some does get passed through, depending on a variety of factors. Sometimes you need a shock to get you back on track. Good luck and stay strong!
  • I turn mine on when I start working out and turn it off when I am done. i know people here are saying that you should subtract your BMR to be accurate, but then again there is a burn post workout that continues for a while after you stop exercising. That effect is additional to your BMR, and should/could be added to your…