

  • Hey thats great D! I've ordered 10 weeks and so hopefully that will kick start the calorie controlling/portion controlling.....and ive gone almost a week now without wine so it's all good.....x
  • wow, just seen your ticker.....45lb! Fab! Go girl! How dy attach ticker to signature? x:blushing:
  • hey great news. I love my iphone and have just got the app! Love it and it means NO excuse for not keeping track when Starbucks calls......good luck to both of you!
  • Hey girls:drinker: :smokin: How's it going? I'm finding the hypno stuff is helping me sleep...I'm figuring the more I sleep the less 'air time' my gob gets to eat!:blushing: I am stillwaiting for my DC hamper......I tell you what it'd better be damn tasty and worth waiting for!:grumble: I was gobsmacked to get on scales…