

  • I was a Diet Dr. Pepper addict, and I cut it out of my lifestyle about two months ago. I could kill a 12 pack in a matter of 2 or 3 days, and it got to the point where drinking them just made me feel bad. The first two weeks were ROUGH! I was moody and my head hurt constantly, but now I feel so much better. I will still…
  • Good luck, you can do it! I am a married mother of 2, and I totally understand the motivation behind losing that weight. When you have other people depending on you it makes it all that much more important! It can be tough with kids, but it sounds like you are already making time to workout and if you stick to a healthy…
  • Out of the two, I prefer Just Dance 2. It is easier to learn the moves, and there is a much greater variety of music making it less likely to get bored with it. I definitely work up a sweat doing both of them, but if you are just looking at getting one, I would choose Just Dance 2. I do it with my 4 year old, and he loves…
  • I think if you are planning on purchasing the DVDs to use as your only form of working out then you will get bored. I have the DVD set and use it among other things (the elliptical, 30 Day Shred), and I haven't gotten bored with it in the 3 weeks that I've had it. I would LOVE to take the classes, but with 2 kids and a…
  • Cardio is going to be your best option for burning fat! Jillian says it on the 30 Day Shred - you have to burn the fat before you can work on toning the muscle. I had the same problem with my back before I lost my weight, and cardio (along with a 1200 calorie diet) helped me get rid of it. I didn't have to do any special…
  • I lost 30 lbs. prior to starting MFP, and I say go ahead and buy some new clothes! I would go ahead and get a new pair of jeans (or 2 if you find them on sale), and get some tops or dresses that you can belt or have a wrap waist that you can still wear if you lose some more weight. I do not believe in wearing baggy clothes…
  • I can completely relate to you! When I started my "weight loss journey" two years ago, my children were 2 years old and 3 months old. My husband is a nurse and he also works long days (12 hour shifts), so I basically had to train my kids on how to act when I exercise! I have an elliptical and loads of workout DVDs that I…