There are good fiber supplements that are not powders.
The cocktail (as I call them) have varied ingredients. They really not for losing weight, but detoxing the digestive to keep things flowing. I have IBS and it helps when it's flared up. My favorite to use is Vinegar, honey, cinnamon, ginger, and warm water. Each has benefits to help digestion.
Time, depression, and energy. I've already started controlling portions, but finding time and energy to exercise is my biggest hurdle. I am moving to lowering my bad carbs to help
Usually do.
Due to work I am a night owl so I workout mid afternoon. If I am hungry, I will grab a breakfast bar before I start, otherwise just water. I eat within 1.5 hours of exercising a regular meal. The upside of being a night owl is that I get my largest meal first and getting exercise in before helps.
yep Have you ever called all the kids' names before you get to the right one?
Eyes and a nice butt in a fitting pair of jeans. None of this sagging.
friend me. One good motivation I have is friends at work creating a healthy living challenge. It is both motivation (bit of a competition) and support. Having anyone as soundboard even on the websites is good.