

  • LWW- 280 TWW- 275 I don't know if I've been doing this long enough to give any tips, but here goes . . . 1. I always strive to come in under my calorie goal and so far have been 95% successful, I blew it two days in a row this week when I was out of town visiting my brother in Seattle. Next time I would go up with a meal…
  • And I love you (sorry to be like that in front of the guys). You'll find out how inclusive this website is...the people are amazing. You should get some friends, though. You can even see them/get support/provide support from your iPhone app. *ETA* Sorry I posted from your account. Normally it's me who's logged in here all…
  • Hello All . . . I'd like to join if you'll have me. I was using another website but recently switched to this one, because it looks better. Starting Weight - 307 Current Weight - 280 Goal Weight - 180 I'm 30. I was a swimmer in high school and used to be extremely athletic. I've been working a sedentary job for the last…