

  • About 13 years ago, I was right around 180, lifting 4x/week. I felt great at that weight. Once I started adding bulk, I felt...I dunno...just "wrong." I'm gonna focus on cardio/diet/flexibility/light weights with high reps for now.
    in Hey. Comment by OwenTurner3 March 2014
  • I like the post edit. :) Yes, this is me being serious. One of my favorite sayings: "If you're gonna be a bear, be a Grizzly."
    in Hey. Comment by OwenTurner3 March 2014
  • Thanks for the kind words. I'm a pretty mellow guy.
    in Hey. Comment by OwenTurner3 March 2014
  • I'm aware of the dangers of unrealistic goal setting. Thanks, though. 6'2" - 235 pounds. About 20-25 pounds of it was put on in the last year due to a foot injury, then a leg injury and then laziness/a long winter.
    in Hey. Comment by OwenTurner3 March 2014
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