If I do not plan my meals or have items to quickly grab on the run, I tend to eat fast food or over eat other foods I have on hand. It's hard not to feel bad, but I try not to beat myself up too much. Have you given any thought to getting a compact fridge with a lock in your room? All the best!
I like to add frozen fruit or frozen lemon wedges. The frozen fruit acts like ice cubes.
Family can be worse than bad weather. Saying that you look 'awful' is disrespectful to you and how hard you worked at getting healthy.
I appreciate your understanding. I do not know why others give some a hard time. It's more discouraging to read a negative comment. That doesn't belong in a place that we are trying to better our health and encourage others rather than putting them down. I haven't been posting much, but I thought to seek help here.…
Thank you. I'm new at this carb/protein counting.
Why do you think I'm trolling? I was just asking a question, maybe a stupid question to some, but not to me.
Thank you! this makes more sense to me. Yes I have been tracking my meals.
What does 70 to 75 grams of protein look like? That's what I want to know. I need examples of it. I told her I have a food scale and she said it's not the size/ounces the portion of protein is, rather the content of protein. She told me to just enter the protein and it will calculate it for you. Thanks for your response,…
Great recipe ideas. Thanks for sharing! Question: What does 'bump' refer to?