

  • Theres a tea shop across the street from me and i get oodles of varieties there have been less tea that i don't like than tea i do like. However my all time favourite is tetley orange pekoe tea with a sugar and squirt of lemon juice.. The problem is the sugar.. The other teas except that one i drink without sugar or cream..
    in Tea! Comment by bastol September 2012
  • i'm with you there.. i was thin as a toothpick before i got into a relationship and 13 years later i am almost 100lbs over that look in fat. I'm down 40 after using this app and have put on muscle so another 20 or 40 to go before i can find myself a new girl . (yes i let the old one go a ways back..long story ) single and…
  • thats utter crud.. - soda is soda - both have 150 cal per can and are made up entirely of carbs that cause you to get fat. all soda ESP the sugar free ones are bad for you think about this. you breathe in oxygen and you breathe out carbon dioxide.. guess what they use t o make bubbles in soda.. thats right co2. so barring…