emzilee Member


  • I hear you!! From the beginning to 14 minutes feels like an eternity! And then when I hit 28 minutes I actually kept going up to 33.5 minutes! I listen to music as I run, and I try to measure the time out in songs, so once I hit 14 minutes I know that I have about 3.5 songs left... and then I hope I'm lucky with the…
  • I did W8D1 today, though on W7D2 I actually ran the whole 30 minutes (I was feeling a bit inspired that day ;) ) I found the first half an absolute STRUGGLE but the second half seemed to pass by a bit quicker. Not long to go....! :)
  • Tesco have litre cartons on offer for £1 :)
  • I'm not sure why but I actually found W6D1 to be a massive struggle, even though W5D3 wasn't so bad. Between W5D2 and W5D3 I did my own thing for a while because I thought I wasn't ready for 20 minutes straight... I was doing 12 minutes x 2, or 15 mins/6 mins/5mins. But for some reason, the 5/8/5 was a massive strug!
  • I FINALLY managed W5D3 today! After weeks of putting it off! Usually I watch TV whilst running (I run on a treadmill) and I think I obsess over watching the clock too much. Today I used the NHS C25K podcast and turned the clock off on the treadmill. Subtitles on the TV for something to focus my eyes on and BOOM. I'm so…
  • I was meant to do w5d3 about 2 weeks ago but couldn't... since then I've been slowly edging up towards it - my best was 12 minutes x 2 or 15 minutes followed by 6 minutes and 5 minutes. Still haven't managed 20 straight though :(
  • 3 to 4 days per week. I do 75-ish minutes at the gym (usually about 45 on the treadmill, 30 on the bike).
  • Hey! I'm Emily, I'm 24 and I'm just starting to run - I've been running more and more on the treadmill so my first outdoor run (in 0C) was a bit of a shock yesterday... BRRRRRR!! Add me if you like :)
  • I'm final year university - add me if you like :)
  • 45 minutes treadmill, 15 minutes bike, 15 minutes elliptical.
  • I did W5D2 last week and have been slowly building up to that terrifying 20-minute beast since then - today was 15 minutes then 5 then 4, yesterday was 12 and 12... I'll get there! I'm going home for a week from tomorrow so no treadmill for 10 days - so I'll be trying to run outside for the first time!
  • There's a TV channel called Dave in the UK, and they basically have re-runs of Top Gear ALL DAY (with a few random other programs thrown in)... Top Gear makes me laugh and makes me stop watching the clock!
  • At the end of January I was struggling to do the minute runs of the first week of C25K, I don't quite stick to the program but today I ran 1.3 miles without stopping (and 2.2 miles overall) - it's not 5K (yet!) but I'm AMAZED. And I'm about 215lbs - you can DEFINITELY do this :)
  • I'm pretty sure they let you swap your chips for a side salad or even boiled potatoes if you ask? The way they display the calories is pretty useful :)
  • I generally try and stick to every other day, though depending on my schedule I'll sometimes go to the gym two days in a row and do a slightly easier non-C25K session on the treadmill.
  • Oh crap yeah! I'd forgotten about that! So much for Daddy-Daughter time... unless we put him in a wig and skirt... ;) This will be my first. First 5K and first Race for Life.
  • I think a friend and I are planning on entering the Sheffield 5K on June 9th, and then I'm also thinking of doing the Newcastle 5K on July 21st with my Dad.... depending on how my C25K progresses!
  • Thanks for the replies. And that quote is so true. And if weight loss was easy, we'd all have perfect bodies, right? I'm enjoying the challenge of learning to run - I've never been able to, and so even getting up to running for 7 minutes solidly feels great! I'm planning on running a 5K in June too (and another in July if…
  • I have a friend who has always been STICK thin. UK size 4 is big on her. And she's fit - she's on the university hockey team, has skated and been sporty her whole life. And she eats and eats, and doesn't get anywhere. I've always said I was jealous of her (especially when we go out to dinner and I'm drinking water and…
  • W3D1 down :) It wasn't too much of a struggle either and I've sped up my running pace from when I started too. I ran at 4.9-5mph and walked at 3.7-3.8mph and did an extra 90 second run before my cooldown walk.
  • I'll be doing week 3, day 1 tomorrow morning - even the idea of 3 minutes straight seems daunting to me!
  • Popcorn, crisps, fizzy pop...
  • The favourite ones I have are from Decathlon (though I had to really search through what they had - some are terrible quality and not very good for larger people!) and M&S (it looks and feels nice on but it's quite new so I don't know it wears yet).
  • Really? I'll have to keep an eye out - the three times I've been I've barely seen any staff at all! I'll ask next time I'm there!
  • I did have an induction. The guy showed me how to use all of the cardio machines and when I said my goal was weight loss he recommended long-distance walking. Perhaps I'll ask their advice next time I see them (though they don't seem to be around much!). I'd like some advice on strength-related things as there's only so…
  • Bump. So today I went to the gym again - I did week 1 of c25k for the second time (walk 3.5mph, run 4.6mph) and then 16 minutes on the recumbent bike and 18.5 minutes on the elliptical. Am I doing this right?
  • Yes it does - I've noticed my swimming calories declining though I'm doing the same thing for the same time as usual.
  • I've been thinking of trying to get into yoga - a friend has asked me to go with her to a class too. Do you use any DVDs or anything that you can recommend? I imagine I'll be sore by tonight so it might be a good time to start!
  • Also, I'd love to get really into running - I've always been jealous of people who seem to be able to run so effortlessly - it's a skill I really value and want to learn to enjoy!
  • So I managed to drag myself out of bed and into the snow this morning. I did the 30 minutes of C25K on the treadmill (walking at around 3.5mph and jogging at 4.7mph), followed by 10 minutes on a seated bike and 18 minutes on the cross trainer. Does that sound like a good start?