
  • Try buying the richest, finest chocolate you can afford, consume it in small quantities, eat it slowly, savoring every morsel! For hot chocolate, try Nestles no-sugar-added Quik mixed in plain almond milk -- 60 cal per cup for the almond milk & 35 cal per 2 Tbs for the Quik.
  • Are you the only one in your family who wants/needs to improve nutrition and fitness? Most likely not! By all means take something healthy -- a bowl of fresh fruit or berries, a watermelon cut in chunks, a platter of raw veggies with low-fat dip. You can enjoy the lighter food along with small portions of heavier items,…
  • Please don't let discouragement take hold. Yesterday's failure cannot prevent you from succeeding today, or tomorrow! Let this setback be an opportunity to recommit to your goals. When you reflect on what has happened, do so with the viewpoint of learning what to do next time you're tempted.
  • Cook a whole chicken in the crock pot with a can of chicken broth, salt, pepper & any other seasoning you like. When done you can make warm chicken sandwiches, cook noodles in the broth (after you've skimmed the fat) & have chicken & noodles, or transfer the skimmed broth to a pan & add some veggies (carrots, celery,…
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