lovebizaar Member


  • we are about the same size, at your starting weight. Can I ask how many calories you consumed per day, this is so tricky to me. thanks and you look great!!
  • I would never confront someone about why they farted around me, i would have chalked it up to they're weird, and laughed..WTF
  • I'm the same height and weigh 193, been having this issue for three years. Eat 1200 or 1500? WW is basically 1200 and i didn't lose on that, I can eat 1500 and not lose also. I've been the same weight for three years, master of maintaining I guess. I hope you figure it out because I'm still trying too. Good Luck
  • My scale does this too, it's a Weight Watchers scale, but the scale I weigh in at work as soon as I get to work, never changes it's very accurate and I go by that. I can get on my WW scale and weight several times it will flucuate with in 5 pounds, enough to drive me crazy.
  • I'm drinking about 40oz of water a day and I'm logging everything I eat. I'm working out but not everyday. I'm going to do it for another week and see what the results are. I weighed less before I started dieting I don't under stand! :( But I'm not going to give up I have to get this weight off!
  • I have the EXACT same problem! I do good one day the next I do terrible and I lose no weight! But you know what everyday is a new day and you have to keep trying! If you stop complety you may have weeks of bad days and gain like 10 pounds. I say don't give up. I feel your pain though eating a low amount of calories is so…