

  • You know what? I totally understand what you're saying, having lost weight in the past and experiencing the same things. But first, the people who seem friendlier and more interested? They probably aren't any more friendly and interested than they ever were. If you are like me, I (subconsciously) behave ashamed of myself…
  • Eating in the morning revs up your metabolism. You are literally "breaking a fast" from not eating all night. When we fast, our body realizes it and slows down. This is why people who eat breakfast generally are more successful in losing weight. You are waking up your body's metabolism earlier, meaning you start burning…
  • I found this post and all the responses interesting. Yes, I still have more than 100 pounds to lose, but I've belonged to various weight loss groups for more than a decade and have taken nutrition courses. I think the most important thing, whether or not you are going to show support for someone, is to realize we're all…
  • I've had a few sessions with a personal trainer in the past couple weeks, and she said no more than every other day, aiming towards 2 times of strength training per week.
  • I'm new to this site, but I've learned a lot about nutrition in the past decade. (Just not so good at FOLLOWING what I know, lol!) Anyway, as other have said, you're taking in a lot of sugar/carbs. As a fellow sugar addict, I know it can be hard to stop, but if you want to feel less hungry, it's critical. Sugar burns off…