

  • I am currently back doing Tubo Jam. I am thinking turbo fire and Chalean Extreme will be my next purchase. I can pretty much confirm that. I also have Jillian Michael's (she is no JOKE). Biggest Loser also has DVD's I have boot camp and yoga, also a good burn. I found them at Wal Mart but you can also order them on…
  • I have a friend who swears by the Jay Robb's protein shakes. I haven't been able to find them around where I am, but when I do I'll definitely be buying it, because usually I find her recommendations right on the money :) [/quote] **If you have a store called Kroger's in your town/city, they do have Jay Robb's protein…
  • There is a 30 day challenge starting today, which I joined by fellow Youtuber Iamchinareene. I was doing weight watcher's online but find that MFP is basically the same and I prefer it more. This is a 30 day challenge that is free and I joined today to jump start my journey. I moved a month ago and things were hectic.…
  • I would like to add you also saanaismom if that is o.k.. My diary is open. I have been consistent and inconsistent due to moving and life stressors. However I was pretty consistent with my logging except for cheat days.
  • You all can add me. The more motivation, the merrier to help us along!
  • Very motivating! I start tonight, will have to keep your post in my mind when I feel discouraged. That's an awesome amount of weight to lose.