

  • My T-shirts from freshman year! I have a slew of them and I don't look good in any of them now - but that will change soon :) I'm getting there
  • I wish I could eat protein bars - I just can't! lol I used to drink Muscle Milk which had a huge amount of protein in it per recommended serving and I hardly ever used to be sore the next day from a workout (or the soreness wasn't as bad as it would've been if I didn't take the Muscle Milk). So, upping your protein intake…
  • I always eat a handful of nuts and seeds and a Boost Energy Drink 30 minutes prior to working out. I know a lot of people can't stand it, but somehow I've taken a liking to the taste, lol. I drink the Plus Calories one, and it has about 12-14 ish grams of protein which gives me a boost, as do the nuts/seeds. I find getting…